The unusual fashion show at Jack London Square last night featured discount and second-hand clothing, Willie Brown Jr., and an abundance of pride. A slideshow accompanies the story.
Bridge failures have become a growing concern in recent years due to funding shortfalls, faulty materials and increased traffic flows.
Caltrans is working through the night to repair the Bay Bridge, replacing and enhancing the steel rod structures which loosened and fell across two lanes of traffic on Tuesday evening.
BART expanded services tonight and ran extra trains while ongoing repairs shut down the Bay Bridge.
Caltrans crews worked through the night to begin repairing a section of the Bay Bridge that collapsed onto the upper deck last night. The upper and lower levels have both been closed to traffic and a construction team is currently working on the bridge.
When the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County opened its doors in 1979, it consisted of a few small entrepreneurs trying to create a Latino voice in the Bay Area business community. Three decades later, HCCAC members sit on the boards of major local companies and have a direct line to the region’s elected officials.
The East Bay Community Foundation released a report Tuesday that outlines the employment hurdles facing many immigrants with limited English proficiency, individuals previously imprisoned, and former foster care recipients in Oakland and recommends ways community groups and private employers can help remove the barriers.
In the last three weeks, seven new families have finally won the right to move to Oakland. The most recent family arrived October 7, and like the others, was picked up at San Francisco International Airport after a 16-hour flight, taken to a sparsely furnished apartment on 19th street in East Oakland, and given a week’s expense money. With this final trip up I-80 and across the Bay Bridge, a journey that began in the depths of the jungles of…
A shuttle was launched in Alameda County Thursday, but not one that lands on the moon.