
Owners and fans push for landmark status for the Kingfish Pub and Café

Is a bar worthy of historical landmark status primarily because of the people who have been going there for years? That’s the crux of the argument that the owners and a group of regular customers at the Kingfish Pub and Café made in a presentation to the Oakland Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board on Monday night at City Hall.

Prop 8 ruled unconstitutional

Proposition 8, California’s voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, was struck down by the Ninth U.S. Circuit of Appeals in San Francisco earlier today.

As parking enforcement transfers to OPD oversight, workers will have to pass new background checks

City officials are preparing to transfer Oakland’s parking enforcement unit to the Oakland Police Department. The transfer will allow the parking enforcement staff to be trained to write tickets and accident reports. But the move may create problems for some parking enforcement technicians, critics say, because they will now have to pass a more intensive background check than the one required for their initial hire.

Oakland high school students working to put an initiative for free college educations on the state ballot

On January 19, Suneal Kolluri received an envelope in the mail from the California Attorney General’s office. Inside was the official title and summary for the College for California ballot initiative, a proposal to give every Californian a free college education, that was drafted by the high school students he teaches in East Oakland. The clock started ticking: Kolluri has 150 days to get 807,615 signatures.

Infographic: How Oakland is balancing the budget

With the dissolution of the Oakland’s redevelopment agency, the city is looking at a $28 million budget shortfall. In an effort to fill that hole, the city council passed a new budget Tuesday evening that includes dramatic cuts to city staff, scales back city services and consolidates several departments. (A full list of eliminated positions can be found here.) The new budget will save the city about $8 million during the remainder of fiscal year 2011-2012 and $20 million the…

Infographic: How Oakland is balancing its budget

With the dissolution of the Oakland’s redevelopment agency, the city is looking at a $28 million budget shortfall. In an effort to fill that hole, the city council passed a new budget Tuesday evening that includes dramatic cuts to city staff, scales back city services and consolidates several departments. Check out our infographic to see what’s being cut and what’s being saved.