Welcome back to the Tales of Two Cities podcast! This episode is all about endings.
Cat Town held a cabaret fundraiser at East Bay Community Space, featuring musical pair Katzenduo.
Bay Area religious leaders and activists use their faith to fight for immigrants.
Hear from people finding their own place on spectrums of language, hookup culture, neurodiversity, and politics.
Today, Oakland is voting in a crucial midterm election. Check here for the latest!
Peralta Hacienda Historical Park unveiled a new art exhibit in early October called “Undocumented Heart: Oakland Day Laborers Tell Their Stories,” that features the creations of undocumented day laborers through paintings, quilts, graphic art, song and dance.
Members of the organization set floating lanterns on Lake Merrit in hope of fostering peace through art.
Oakland artist Chris Johnson and Oakland Museum of California curator use billboards to engage the community.
At the Peralta Hacienda Historical Park earlier this month, undocumented day laborers told their immigration stories.
Dance instructor Carla Service led her final Dancing Under the Stars class at Jack London Square on August 31.