HIV rates rise among Latinx men who have sex with men

When Oakland resident Eddie Velasquez was growing up, he was frequently taunted by his peers for being gay. They called him derogatory slurs and told him to be a “real man.” He was raised in a traditional Latino household, and his cultural identity made little room for homosexuality. To stop the bullying, Velasquez even dated a woman for a short period of time, but he knew he wasn’t being honest with himself, he said. Velasquez’s experience is representative of the…

Is lab-grown cheese more environmentally friendly than traditional cheese? Oakland biohackers want to find out

Based out of Counter Culture Labs, a community-owned lab in Oakland, Real Vegan Cheese is working on making a cheese that would have less of an environmental effect than making traditional cheese, which requires collecting milk from cows. They are using yeast and E. Coli to create the cheese proteins. In this video, scientists at UC Berkeley discuss whether or not the lab-grown cheese will be sustainable and if people will want to eat it.

As early returns trickle in, Oakland voters and candidates wait

In a packed home in the Grand Lake neighborhood, supporters of Mayor Libby Schaaf and her campaign’s volunteers nibbled on quesadillas and checked back and forth between CNN and the front door to see when the candidate would arrive. Everyone from Jon Sarriugarte, the artist who designed the now-famous snail car, to city hall officials like District 3 Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney, waited under orange and blue streamers. Schaaf’s older sister, Chris Schaaf, even drove in from Castro Valley to…

Oakland Latinx voters speak about why they voted this midterm election

According to the Pew Research Center, there are over 29.1 million Latinx voters registered to vote in the United States. Oakland North spoke with five local Latinx voters on Election Day and asked them how they are voting on issues like the mayoral race, rent control, and property taxes. Here’s what they said: Jose Lorenzana, 73 “I voted today because I like to fulfill my duties as a citizen. I vote every year. ” Aleah Rosario, 32 “One of the most…