A proposal to speed the conversion of apartments to market-rate condos hit resistance at Oakland City Council committee meetings Tuesday, with housing advocates calling for a comprehensive reform of the city’s affordable housing rules.
Imagine a series of summer afternoons at the Oakland Coliseum a few years in the future. The sun-dappled parking lot has become a Tower of Babel—English, Spanish and a smattering of Scandinavian tongues—but all are mutually intelligible in their passion for one sport: soccer. It might just happen, since Oakland is bidding to host the 2018 or 2022 World Cup.
A new organic and natural food grocery store just opened on 51st and Telegraph, offering a more convenient slice of what is available at Berkeley Bowl.
Suk Lee opened Casserole House on Telegraph Avenue just over a year ago. It’s one of the newest Korean restaurants in Temescal and features home style Jeongol (Korean word for casserole). In this audio piece, she invites us into her kitchen and shows us one of her specialty Jeongol dishes.
The Oakland Green Jobs Corps prepares underprivileged Oakland youth to find eco-friendly careers in a rough economic climate.
Oakland is finally updating residential and commercial corridor zoning regulations that haven’t been touched in more than 40 years. A weekend gathering in North Oakland showed off early proposals that could change building heights, restrictions on commerce, and other kinds of zoning rules.
For Ici Ice Cream co-owner, Mattea Soreng, the rainy weather and cool temperature is no deterring factor when it comes to selling cold stuff. Rain or shine, the lines at Soreng’s little parlor, which Soreng and Mary Canales opened three years ago on College and Ashby Avenues, never stops. “Yesterday we sold 325 cones, and that doesn’t include people who got cups, or people who bought bombes or bites,” Soreng said. That’s 34 cones an hour. A “bombe” in Ici lingo is two layers of ice cream…
Oakland as a future soccer World Cup host, racial disparity in the awarding of city contracts, and a possible teen youth center in West Oakland were among the discussion items at Oakland’s City Council meeting Tuesday night.