A surveillance hub being assembled in Oakland could potentially be the largest and most comprehensive citywide surveillance system in California.
Residents came to Youth Uprising Saturday where volunteers and Oakland Police officials processed handguns and assault riffles people turned in voluntarily. The gun buyback event ended with an unofficial count of 145 guns received in about six hours.
Community events and activities for the weekend of December 13-15 2013. Got an event we didn’t know about? Please add it in the comments!
In a boon for West Oakland residents, cancer-causing diesel pollution from the Port of Oakland’s maritime operations has plunged 70 percent.
Our adoptable pet of the week is a beautiful and gentle 7-year-old dilute calico cat named Minuet.
This holiday season, local high-end spirit makers are rejoicing over the end of a Prohibition-era law. Starting in January, California distilleries will be able to charge for tastings like wineries and breweries currently can.
Oakland-based all-female dance collective, Mix’d Ingrdnts, incorporates various dance styles into their routines, including hip-hop, break dancing, samba and waacking – a style of dance from the 70’s that involves moving legs and arms to music beats.
The Alameda County Juvenile Hall is in the planning stages of creating a girl’s camp to provide stability to victims of sexual exploitation and other at-risk youth.