Halloween in Oakland: there is something fun for all ages.
Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Kelly Patrick Dugan and it’s of the view of the bay and the San Francisco skyline.
A billboard sitting on a hill next to Plymouth United Church of Christ in Oakland reads “Abolish the Death Penalty,” and there’s a “Yes on 34” placard pinned just below. More posters supporting Proposition 34 are scattered around the church—on a bulletin board in the sanctuary and on the door outside. Like many of Oakland’s religious leaders, the leaders of Plymouth Church have endorsed Prop. 34. If passed on November 6, it would repeal the death penalty in California and…
From Fruitvale to Rockridge, Oakland North reporters spoke recently to residents about the city council elections. We asked everyone the same question: If you could speak directly to the candidates, what would you like to know? We delivered the most frequent of the residents’ questions, in person to the seven candidates for the District 1 City Council seat. Their edited answers, one question at a time, will appear in Oakland North every week between now and Election Day.
Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s a pair of rabbits named Thelma and Louise.
For the third consecutive year, the Oakland Unified School District’s Department of African American Male Achievement honored students who earned perfect scores on their STAR exams, but this year’s ceremony honored both young men and women. To celebrate these students’ achievements, a boisterous crowd of parents, educators and other students attended an evening event at Frick Middle School in East Oakland on October 11.
PD Active, a local nonprofit that offers programs for people with Parkinson’s disease, has partnered with Danspace in Rockridge to offer weekly Dance for Parkinson’s classes that give participants a chance to challenge their minds, bodies and creative abilities.
Community events and activities for the weekend of October 19-21, 2012. Got an event we didn’t know about? Please add it in the comments!
Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Richard Parks.