From August 12 to September 8, Actual Café, located at San Pablo Avenue and Alcatraz Avenue in North Oakland, is hosting a bicycle art show inside its shop, featuring works from a number of local artists.
Over 200 Oaklanders spent Saturday cleaning up parks, gardens and bus stops, or volunteering at 24 other service sites throughout the city for the first-ever “Throw Down for the Town” event. Organized by the Ella Baker Center, the event brought neighbors out to help beautify their neighborhoods.
This weekend, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite stories about coffee culture in Oakland. You’ve probably heard of our most famous local roaster, Blue Bottle Coffee. Check out these cool videos by Ye Tian and Carl Nasman: Oakland lines up for Blue Bottle Coffee But have you heard of Alchemy Collective, our newest mobile coffee shop (and first worker-owned coffee cooperative)? Learn more with Nicole Jones’ story: Worker-owned coffee cooperative is brewing up big plans for business Or…
Meet the next watering hole in our new bar series, The Nightcap: Beer Revolution has 47 beers on tap-all craft, “no Bud Light or Stella,” says co-owner Fraggle.
The Layover bar in Oakland is featuring the artworks from Community Rejuvenation Project till the end of August.
This weekend, skywatchers can turn an eye to the heavens for the yearly Perseid Meteor Shower, which should be visible late Friday and Saturday nights to viewers in North America. The experts at Chabot Space & Science Center have a few tips for spotting shooting stars.
With the help from a friend, Myers founded Alchemy Collective, a worker-owned coffee company than brews single drip coffee using a contraption made from a bike gear, metal rod and a glass funnel.
Gardening has been added to the Oakland summer camp list of activities for the first time this year, and kids between the ages of 5 and 12 all over town are learning the basics of how to care for a garden.
East Oakland neighbors packed the intersection of 64th Avenue and International Boulevard Tuesday evening to mourn the three-year-old boy who was shot and killed during a drive-by shooting on Monday.