Christopher Evans, convicted this summer of a pair of 2001 East Oakland killings, will undoubtedly end his days in prison. What jurors must now decide is whether that end will come via capital punishment or of natural causes at the end of a life-without-parole sentence.
A Wednesday shooting that injured one person is just the latest incident on a troubled corner, according to people who work in the neighborhood.
Three months ago on Tuesday, a search began for Fremont boy Hassani Campbell. Community activists marked the occasion at an evening vigil at College Avenue Presbyterian Church.
New Oakland Police Chief Anthony Batts, at the first of a series of town hall meetings, told a West Oakland audience last night that he understood why some urban residents view police officers as “an occupying army.” Among the proposals he said he’s considered in the past: a citywide curfew aimed at bringing down youth violence.
Defense attorneys called on witnesses Monday to paint a sympathetic portrait of convicted double-murderer Christopher Evans, hoping to convince a jury to save the Oakland native from capital punishment.
Police dogs will be better protected after a local fund raising effort allowed the OPD to purchase bulletproof vests for the K-9 unit.
County D.A Nancy O’Malley and Assemblymember Sandre Swanson, who wrote the legislation, joined other officials yesterday to explain a new state law quadrupling penalties for sex trafficking of young people.
“What I have to do is take what I have and make that as efficient as I possibly can, ” new police chief Anthony Batts told reporters. “We can’t do twenty things. But we can do the top two or three or four or five that this city says it wants to do.”
Frustrated by the lack of clues into Hassani Campbell’s disappearance, organizers are holding a fundraiser to help pay for a private investigation.