With “Belly,” an Oakland warehouse becomes a show space for artists who can no longer afford to limit themselves to galleries.
By September, the Oakland Food Policy Council hopes to tell city government officials how Oakland can produce more of its own food and help citizens eat healthier.
At Sankofa Academy in North Oakland, the students have a message: “R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Respect is all I really need!”
The talent and energy in “Hamlet: Blood in the Brain” is a testament to the hard work of the students and teachers of OakTechRep, Oakland Technical High School’s student theater company.
Opponents of Proposition 8 Rally outside federal court on Monday. Oakland North asks same-sex marriage supporters about their hopes for the federal trial.
Testimony in Perry v. Schwarzenegger featured vivid personal testimony about struggles with discrimination based on sexual orientation. The team defending Proposition 8, meanwhile, argued that the state has a compelling interest to allow voters to define marriage.
In a San Francisco courtroom packed to overflowing, attorneys on both sides of Proposition 8 argued this morning about whether the same-sex marriage ban is discriminatory or a justifiable expression of California voters’ will.
Ben Franklin, font of aphorisms, said “In this world nothing can be said to be certain. Except death and taxes.” But there’s one unescapable reality Franklin seems to have missed: laundry.
Kobe and Miyazaki beef producers are secretive about their methods. But many ranchers in Japan massage cattle daily. Some cows listen to classical music, a method used to relax them. “They are treated as kings,” says one Oakland chef.