Every corner in this building has something going on: La Commune, a collectively-run and worker-owned bookstore and café, is turning the entrance into a cozy place which will welcome visitors with a cup of something to drink and something interesting to read. There is a space for Food Not Bombs, a project that brings free food to parks, political events, neighborhood gatherings and social centers. The Sudo Room and Counter Culture Labs share a spacious room that was once bocce…
After 4 years, Oakland schools’ African American Male Achievement initiative assesses how it’s doing
The Office of African American Male Achievement will release reports in January that focus on its flagship program and hopes for future growth.
In Oakland, like many urban cities, violence tends to beget violence. But one program is attempting to use artistic expression to interrupt the cycle of bloodshed that pervades the city.
Oakland’s superintendent of schools Antwan Wilson has been at the helm for six months. The midwest-raised leader credits his mother, a passion for civil rights, and growing up poor for molding him into the leader he is today.
The Oakland City Council has approved policy changes that will allow urban farmers to grow fruits and vegetables “by right” on private land in almost all areas throughout the city.
“Cooking Matters” is a six-week course that helps members of the community cook healthy, nutritious food on a budget.
A new OUSD study found that 40 percent of students do not have access to internet and/or a computer at home. And according to those who the lead the data collection, there is a direct correlation between a higher level of poverty and the lack of access.
Crowded into a small room with wood paneling and snowman paintings on the walls, children battling diabetes gathered with their families for a cooking demonstration on Nov. 24 at Whole Foods Market in Oakland.
President Barack Obama’s recent executive order defers the deportation of undocumented parents of American citizens or legal permanent residents who have been in the country for at least five years. This is expected to affect approximately 4 million undocumented immigrants, but excludes approximately 7 million others, according to a recent report on NPR. Among those excluded are the tens of thousands of unaccompanied child and teenage migrants that arrived to the U.S. border earlier this year. The Oakland-based Social Justice Collaborative (SJC)—a nonprofit…