Members of the NFL’s Oakland Raiders took some time to befriend and pass on gifts to female cancer patients as part of October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The mayor, who is running for re-election in November, was one of 12 mayoral candidates at the roundtable event hosted in East Oakland by Alameda County’s Community Food Bank.
Elementary students stand in line at Oakland’s Stonehurst Campus Kitchen, facing a critical question that will define the next thirty minutes of their lives: burger or chicken salad?
Among 14 confirmed cases of a rare respiratory virus in California, two are Alameda County residents
To help combat the spread of the flu, in October, the Alameda County Public Health Department will launch their Shoo the Flu campaign and offer free vaccinations to children in 110 public schools throughout Oakland.
What happens to the unused surgical tools from Kaiser Oakland’s operating room? They end up at healthcare agencies such as Roots Community Health Center in Oakland, CA, one of 20 safety net clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area benefitting from MedShare’s medical surplus donations.
The sidewalk at Telegraph and 27th Avenue was lined with signs reading, “Got Drugs?” and, “¿Tiene drogas?” The bilingual placards marked the site of the nation’s ninth National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, where the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the Alameda County District Attorney’s office worked with Oakland and three other Alameda County cities on Saturday to take possession of old, unused and unwanted drugs until the DEA could destroy them. Nationally, drug take-backs have collected and destroyed about 4.1…
The number of uninsured California residents has dropped from 22 percent to 11 percent. But challenges remain for the Affordable Care Act, especially for families with mixed immigration status.
Local health officials are urging parents to immunize their children against pertussis—the scientific name for whooping cough—and other vaccine-preventable diseases. But that is a tall order in a region where some families still have limited access to healthcare, and more parents are filing Personal Belief Exemptions.