Oakland North TV
“The problem is not fatness, health, or fat phobia,” says Luna. “The problem is we place bodies on a hierarchy.”
Fresh Lifelines for Youth’s Law Program offers Oakland high school students a unique opportunity to learn about the criminal justice system and how it might affect them in their own lives.
Peralta Hacienda Historical Park unveiled a new art exhibit in early October called “Undocumented Heart: Oakland Day Laborers Tell Their Stories,” that features the creations of undocumented day laborers through paintings, quilts, graphic art, song and dance.
The cleanup was hosted by nonprofit environmental group Save the Bay as part of a series of restoration events held by them and others annually on Bay Day.
Members of the Oakland Catholic Worker gather for a backyard Sunday mass to commemorate the Salvadoran archbishop’s canonization.
Animal rights activists from Direct Action Everywhere protested in Oakland after Whole Foods Market, owned by Amazon, filed a temporary restraining order against the group.
Captain Tony Jones of the Oakland Police Department spoke at a city council meeting in September about the number of abandoned cars in East Oakland. A large number of the homeless people who live in their cars have complained that their cars, which serve as their shelters, are being towed.
Love them or hate them, electric scooters are now a regular sight on city streets across the nation. Since they first came to Oakland this summer, they’ve been operating in a legal gray area—there was no legislation in place to regulate them. That changed in September, when the Oakland City Council passed an ordinance to develop permits for scooter companies.
Members of the organization set floating lanterns on Lake Merrit in hope of fostering peace through art.