
Right turn on wrong-way parking?

Just when you thought the Oakland parking wars had come to an end, parking rules are once again on the agenda. The City Council will consider easing enforcement against wrong-way parkers tonight.

New refugees from rural Burma, grappling with modern California, find an ally in Oakland

In the last three weeks, seven new families have finally won the right to move to Oakland. The most recent family arrived October 7, and like the others, was picked up at San Francisco International Airport after a 16-hour flight, taken to a sparsely furnished apartment on 19th street in East Oakland, and given a week’s expense money. With this final trip up I-80 and across the Bay Bridge, a journey that began in the depths of the jungles of…

North Oakland meets new police chief Batts

“The Wild West was not won by a guy riding in on a white horse,” new Oakland police chief Anthony Batts told the crowd that gathered to meet him today at Peralta Elementary. “It was won by communities that took a stand.”