At the cafes, pubs and bars of North Oakland, the World Cup debates have begun, and are sure to escalate throughout the month-long tournament — although the nine-hour time difference between California and South Africa means coffee may gain on beer as the favorite game-watching beverage.
In Oakland, 76,000 people—that’s 19 percent of the city’s population—live at or below the federal poverty level. This is a statistic that the City of Oakland wants to lower.
Some were in spandex, others in dresses or suits and they rolled into downtown Oakland for Oakland’s 16th Annual Bike to Work Day.
They say that running barefoot is like gardening naked in the backyard: it’s not for all seasons, and your neighbors will probably stare. But is this trend only for the serious runner, or is this an opportunity for the rest of us to kick our Nikes to the corner? Mary Flynn has the story.
Ken Ott and his wife, Lulu Lin-Ott, are part of a generation of young Oaklanders who are trying to change one of the Bay Area’s most troubled and dangerous cities on their own terms. Lulu wants to sell organic ice cream; Ken wants to drive electric pedicabs.
On May 8th, a group of public school parents and supportive community members will ride 100 miles from Claremont Middle School to Sacramento to demonstrate their commitment to public schools and petition the state legislature to restore funding for K-12 education.
Members of the Let’s Go Oakland organization said Wednesday that building a new ballpark in the city would create more than 1,500 local jobs in the initial three-year construction phase, and bring ample revenue to Oakland and the county of Alameda.
After word came out Saturday that Jason Campbell of the Washington Redskins had been traded to the Oakland Raiders, Larry Weisman of had this to say: Wish Jason Campbell luck in Oakland. He never had any here.