Community Recipes

Grub ON: Applesauce by Kathryn Boyle

In the second in our local food series, Oakland North caught up with Kathryn Boyle, the newest addition to Board of Directors at the People’s Grocery in Oakland. She shared with us a favorite recipe that reminds her of autumns back east. “I love making homemade applesauce. I make it a little chunky so that you actually have to chew the apples chunks. It makes the house smell delicious, too, bringing back memories of picking apples in the crisp Virginia…

Grub O.N.: Ginger cookies by Jody London

This is the first in an occasional series Oakland North will be running on favorite local recipes. This one is from Jody London, the School Board member responsible for North Oakland (also known as district one).

Butternut squash gratin

Her love for gratin dishes started at age 15, when Alethea Harper spent a summer abroad in central France. Her host mother, Annie, was a “genius” in the kitchen and one of her dishes was Gratin Dauphinois, which pairs thinly sliced potatoes with cheese. In the U.S. this French dish is commonly known as scalloped potatoes or potatoes au gratin. Harper insists that her gratin could never be as good as her host mothers. “Somehow her potatoes would just melt…