Community photo of the week: Peace altar

Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Saleem Shakir and it was taken during the March 1 First Friday arts event. He writes, “This altar was being built in the middle of the street at First Fridays. I watched as people added flowers. I called it a peace altar because that was the sense I got from the intentions within the space. For me, it honored those who have been…

This weekend in Oakland

Community events and activities for the weekend of March 8 to 10, 2013. Got an event we didn’t know about? Please add it in the comments!   Friday, March 8, 2013   ZooKids: Paws and Claws 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Oakland Zoo, 9777 Golf Links Road, Oakland This is a class for kids to learn about all the different types of paws and claws that animals have. Fee is $23 for members and $26 for non-members. More information here….

Adoptable animal of the week: Jupiter

Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s a cat named Jupiter. Our adoptable cat of the week is a gallant grey-haired gentleman named Jupiter. Jupiter is a mellow and affectionate guy who can take some time to adjust to new surroundings.  He is looking for a patient guardian, with a quiet home that has lots of windows.  Jupiter’s favorite pastimes are…

Adoptable animal of the week: Peg

Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s a rabbit named Peg.

This Weekend in Oakland

Community events and activities for the weekend of February 22-24, 2013. Got an event we didn’t know about? Please add it in the comments!   Friday, February 22   Customizer-in-Residence Open Studio Series 5-8pm Oakland Museum of California, 1000 Oak Street, Oakland Catch Bay Area hackers, makers, and DIYers in action as part of the we/customize Customizer-in-Residence series.  More information here.   Friday Nights @OMCA 5-9pm Oakland Museum of California, 1000 Oak Street, Oakland The Bay Area’s most talked-about food truck party…

Community photo of the week: Church on the lake

Every week, Oakland North will publish a photo submitted by one of our readers. This week’s photo is by Mark Gartland. He writes, “Here’s an image I took this weekend walking the lake … it’s at Christ the Light Church and a bit futuristic.” If you’d like to contribute to “community photo of the week,” just send a favorite photograph taken in Oakland to with the subject: PHOTO. Please make all photographs large-sized and in jpeg format. Oakland North cannot pay…

Adoptable animal of the week: Lancelot

Oakland North is continuing with our feature. Every week, Oakland Animal Services will spotlight an “Animal of the Week” that’s up for adoption at their facility. This week it’s a cat named Lancelot. Our adoptable cat of the week is a beautiful flame-point Siamese named Lancelot. Lancelot was rescued by the caretaker of a local feral colony when he gallantly trotted up to her and decreed that he was in search of his kingdom.  He is approximately 1 to 2…