Kindergarten teacher Lourdes Rivas wrote a children’s book, They Call Me Mix, to help teach their students why they use gender-neutral pronouns.
Peralta Hacienda Historical Park unveiled a new art exhibit in early October called “Undocumented Heart: Oakland Day Laborers Tell Their Stories,” that features the creations of undocumented day laborers through paintings, quilts, graphic art, song and dance.
The Oakland Museum’s event tells the personal stories of city residents through art.
Artist Rosten Woo’s new public sculptures in Oakland are bringing new understanding of air pollution to the city.
Oakland artist Chris Johnson and Oakland Museum of California curator use billboards to engage the community.
Where can you get Frida Kahlo trinkets and lemonades with quirky Spanish names like “la Soltera?” Mercado Latinx, of course. It’s a bi-monthly event in Oakland that’s all about Latinx culture.
Dance instructor Carla Service led her final Dancing Under the Stars class at Jack London Square on August 31.
Oakland artists gathered at the Festival for Arts and Culture over Labor Day weekend to show the city that despite many economic forces working against them—including corporate cannabis—they are still here.