The Journey of the Ballot

Oakland North followed the journey of a ballot on Election Day and the intricacies that take place behind the scenes at the Alameda County Registrar of Voters Office in order for votes to become election results.

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Voters say yes to boosting the minimum wage, higher sales tax and reclassifying some felonies

As election results rolled in after the polls closed last night, advocates for several major policy changes celebrated victories at the state, county and local levels, including a statewide initiative that reduced penalties for certain non-violent offenses, an increase in Alameda County’s sales tax and a raise for Oakland’s minimum wage. Alameda County residents agreed…

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Mayoral candidate: Rebecca Kaplan

Oakland city councilmember at-large Rebecca Kaplan was the first out lesbian elected to office in Oakland when she joined the city council in 2008. Now, at age 44, she has another goal for change: to become Oakland’s mayor.

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