Welcome to Video Lab, stories from the Bay Area and beyond

Video Lab covers current stories from the Bay Area and beyond. In this edition of Video Lab. learn about the controversy surrounding the Hollywood sign, a nonpartisan news app covering the battle over free speech in Berkeley, Oakland’s soon-to-be only remaining professional sports team, and an Oakland studio that’s transforming dance. Produced and reported by Angeline Bernabe, Cameron Clark, Katie Woodruff and Marian Davidson. Footage contributed by Andy Beale and Abner Hauge.

Oakland’s Queer Gym reacts to Trump’s rollback of transgender rights

In Oakland, the Queer Gym is coping with President Donald Trump’s recent rollback to former President Barack Obama’s guidelines last year on transgender bathrooms.  The 2016 guideline allowed transgender students in public schools to use the bathroom corresponding to the gender they identify with.  Members from the Queer Gym, previously known as the Perfect Sidekick Gym, are responding to the change by continuing to provide a safe space for the LGBTQ community and by raising money for the Trans Life Line,…