Welcome to Video Lab, stories from the Bay Area and beyond

Video Lab covers current stories from the Bay Area and beyond. In this edition of Video Lab. learn about the controversy surrounding the Hollywood sign, a nonpartisan news app covering the battle over free speech in Berkeley, Oakland’s soon-to-be only remaining professional sports team, and an Oakland studio that’s transforming dance. Produced and reported by Angeline Bernabe, Cameron Clark, Katie Woodruff and Marian Davidson. Footage contributed by Andy Beale and Abner Hauge.

AXIS: A dance company for every body

Oakland is home to many diverse dance companies that travel the world performing unique choreography for all to see, but one group stands out from the rest: AXIS. Nearing their 30th anniversary, this physically-integrated repertory company has both disabled and non-disabled dancers. With their performing season rapidly approaching, AXIS welcomes a new company member to the dance floor. Click the video above to watch the story.

Landed helps educators stay in the Bay Area

Everyone in the Bay Area knows the cost of housing is high, and that makes it hard for local teachers to live where they work. But Landed, Inc. is here to help. Landed, Inc. is a small San Francisco-based startup that helps Bay Area teachers afford homes. Co-founders Alex Lofton, Jonathan Asmis and Jesse Vaughn were inspired by sharing economy models, such as Uber and AirBnb, and applied this idea to the home market, Lofton said. The company works with…

People watching at Jack London Square

The gentle breeze carrying a cool mist from Oakland’s Inner Harbor, hits the faces of people scattered around the docks of Jack London Square. The area is without much activity and the water is calm. The sky is filled with clouds, but the wind is quickly shuffling them away, revealing the warm rays of the sun. The few people sitting on benches are either keeping up with the latest news or making tough life decisions. “Do you want to get…

Business owners take damage done during anti-Trump protests in stride

On election night, protesters gathered in downtown Oakland after midnight yelling angry things like “Not my president!” and “Fuck Trump!” in the quiet streets. Others took it a step further and lashed out against nearby businesses, breaking glass doors and windows and spray-painting graffiti anywhere visible, like on the windows of the Chase bank, the walls of the BART public elevator and the pillars of the Oakland federal building.

Garbage cans were set on fire and worried faces peeked out through doors after the angry crowd passed. Confused bystanders were upset at the damage to their property, and others worried about their safety, while the rest followed the trail of fires left on Broadway, trying to catch up to the mob either by running or riding their bikes. By the next morning, garbage, broken glass and graffiti covered the downtown.