Welcome to Video Lab, stories from the Bay Area and beyond

Video Lab covers current stories from the Bay Area and beyond. In this edition of Video Lab. learn about the controversy surrounding the Hollywood sign, a nonpartisan news app covering the battle over free speech in Berkeley, Oakland’s soon-to-be only remaining professional sports team, and an Oakland studio that’s transforming dance. Produced and reported by Angeline Bernabe, Cameron Clark, Katie Woodruff and Marian Davidson. Footage contributed by Andy Beale and Abner Hauge.

Oakland A’s embrace their position in the city

Oakland was once home to three professional sports teams, but only one has plans to stay in the city. On March 27, the NFL officially approved the Oakland Raiders’ relocation to Las Vegas, and the Golden State Warriors are currently constructing a new arena across the bay in San Francisco. The A’s, on the other hand, have announced a commitment to remaining in Oakland. But while the team will stay, there will be some changes. Team President Dave Kaval has announced…

Careers Expo offers options to Oakland youth

It’s never too early for students to start thinking about their futures. On Thursday, high schoolers were introduced to potential employers, careers and education options available in their home city at the Oakland Youth Careers Expo.

Landed helps educators stay in the Bay Area

Everyone in the Bay Area knows the cost of housing is high, and that makes it hard for local teachers to live where they work. But Landed, Inc. is here to help. Landed, Inc. is a small San Francisco-based startup that helps Bay Area teachers afford homes. Co-founders Alex Lofton, Jonathan Asmis and Jesse Vaughn were inspired by sharing economy models, such as Uber and AirBnb, and applied this idea to the home market, Lofton said. The company works with…