California Governor Jerry Brown endorses Libby Schaaf

The sounds of cheering, clapping, and whistling filled the air outside Oakland mayoral candidate Libby Schaaf’s campaign headquarters Monday as California Governor Jerry Brown was introduced on a small stage in the backyard. “This is so exciting, I may have to run for mayor again,” Brown joked as he took position in front of the…

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DAC lives on, restricted to Port

Mayor Jean Quan broke a 4-4 tie at last night’s city council meeting that means Oakland will move forward with a version of its controversial Domain Awareness Center, but it will be limited until the council can gather more information and implement clear privacy and data policies.

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CityCamp Oakland bridges the divide between tech and local government

Saturday’s “unconference” at Oakland City Hall featured more than a dozen workshops ranging from the city budget, to neighborhood crime issues, to the digital divide, and open data. Over a hundred technology professionals, city staff, local citizens, and business leaders came together to discuss the often-rocky relationship between technology and local government.

The second annual CityCamp Oakland comes out of a surging tech community in Oakland and a city government looking to become a leader in civic technology. The conference was organized by OpenOakland, a civic hacking group born out of Code for America, the national non-profit that pairs young programmers with local governments.

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After five-hour meeting, still no council vote on Oakland city budget

On Tuesday night the Oakland City Council once again postponed a vote to adopt a biennial budget, pushing the decision back until this Thursday, hours before the new fiscal year begins on July 1. With the divergence between councilmembers on the each others’ budget proposals, the timely adoption of a budget resolution remains uncertain.

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