This holiday season, local high-end spirit makers are rejoicing over the end of a Prohibition-era law. Starting in January, California distilleries will be able to charge for tastings like wineries and breweries currently can.
Seeking recognition and support from the city, new initiative unites creative manufacturers
Oakland-based all-female dance collective, Mix’d Ingrdnts, incorporates various dance styles into their routines, including hip-hop, break dancing, samba and waacking – a style of dance from the 70’s that involves moving legs and arms to music beats.
“We’re not partial to anybody in particular. Just individuals who are strong and females who can work on their own cars,” Ann said.
The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, a non-profit organization, travels to a hundred different cities around the country each year offering free foreclosure counseling.
After feeling uncomfortable at corporate gyms, Nathalie Huerta founded The Perfect Sidekick, a dedicated gym for LGBTQ athletes.
Servers at Century Buffet on International Boulevard were working twelve-hour days, six days a week, and being paid far below minimum wage, according to the Alameda County District Attorney.
When Sarah Morrell was first diagnosed with Morquio syndrome, a rare, incurable disease that crippled her joints and deformed her vertebrae, her family never expected the illness would cause her to travel halfway around the world to have an experimental treatment made from Chinese hamster ovaries injected into her veins.
Frustrated truck drivers rolled into downtown yesterday as their representatives met with state and city officials.