Oakland police share use of force training with public, media

As part of Oakland Police Chief Anthony Batts’ new strategy to involve the community in policing policy, on Saturday officers held two sessions—one for the community and one for the media—on when police are legally allowed to use force. At police headquarters, officers explained the training they receive on when to use force, took questions on specific scenarios and brought visitors to their training facility where attendees were allowed to participate in interactive video simulations of dangerous scenarios officers face in the field.

Skyline High puts on a Cinderella Christmas

Mariella Cordova and Jeff Derenthal, both seniors at Skyline High School, sat in the fifth row of the theater red seats laughing and talking over each other in their excitement to explain the dance-musical-comedy performance they were about to take part in—the school’s new fall musical, A Cinderella Christmas.

Jody London’s Apple Cider-braised Turkey and more

Jody London, the school board member for North Oakland’s district one, has shared her recipes on OaklandNorth.net before. Her constituents are often treated to her cookies at meetings she hosts and today she’s sent out three of her favorite holiday recipes. Think your recipes are good enough to make you an elected official? Send them to us! Email: lillian.mongeau@oaklandnorth.net Subject: RECIPE Here’s Jody: When Thanksgiving is at my house I make this Apple Cider-braised turkey from Cooking Light Magazine. I…

Mama’s Persimmon Bread

Serina Elliott is a graduate of the Kitchen of Champions Culinary Training Program of St. Vincent de Paul. She was previously featured in a video on OaklandNorth.net about the culinary program’s Guest Chef Series and has gone on to complete her first year of culinary classes at Laney College. In another year she will be a college graduate! Mama’s Persimmon Bread Recipe creates two 9-inch loaves. 3½ cups sifted flour 1½ teaspoons salt 2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ground…

Curried Bananas

I’ve been enjoying Thanksgiving with a group of good friends for the past thirty-some years. We all cook, and the various members’ contributions range from the traditional to the exotic. I myself took the yummy prize once with a batch of pumpkin pecan tamales. One year one of our members brought a big bowl of curried bananas, and it was such a hit that we’ve included it in our menu every year since. Enjoy! Curried Bananas Ingredients 6 lbs. bananas,…

Rustic Rice

I found this recipe in a magazine about 15 years ago. I think it was in Gourmet but I’m not 100 percent certain. I adapted the original recipe a bit and have been making it ever since. It compliments almost any kind of main meat dish and is always very popular. The nice thing about this rice is that it travels very well so it’s the perfect dish to take if you are driving some place for Thanksgiving and need…

Nana’s Famous Peanut Butter Chews

This recipe was submitted by Chef Michael Stamm, the Executive Chef Instructor for the Kitchen of Champions, a culinary training program offered by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Alameda County and a 3-time Olympic medal winner (Swimming, 1974). Nana’s Famous Peanut Butter Chews with Icing Ingredients 2/3 cup shortening (butter or margarine) 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups sugar 1 cup peanut butter 4 eggs 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla 2 cups flour 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder…

A proponent of Measure L weighs in

In Oakland, the school district had to cut $122 million from its budget this year, and teachers have not gotten a raise in nearly a decade. Some folks are trying to change that. They’ve put a measure on the ballot that would create a 54-cent per day property tax to raise teachers’ salaries. To learn more about how the measure would work and what the benefits to Oakland students might be, Lillian Mongeau caught up with one of the measure’s biggest champions, Jonathan Klein of Great Oakland Public Schools.

Computer animation training starts at Claremont middle school

Computer animation sprang into public consciousness in 1995 with Pixar’s film, Toy Story. Fifteen years later, the studio has turned out nearly a dozen feature length films from its East Bay headquarters, and now kids at an Oakland middle school are getting a chance to get in on act of animating. Listen to the full story on Oakland North Radio.

San Bruno gas line fire kills four, so does violence in Oakland

A gas line exploded into flame last night in a residential neighborhood of San Bruno. Four people are reported dead and 20 injured. Early this morning, San Bruno officials said the fire was 75 percent contained. Melanie and Bryan Perkin and their three children fled their house last night as the vinyl from the window frames melted into the grass of their lawn in the intense heat. “I’m just so grateful to be alive,” Melanie Perkin said. Read more at…

Plastic bags not banned, cell phones in jail could be

A legislative session that ran to the wee hours last night ended with a proposed statewide ban on plastic bags having been voted down, according to SFGate.com. Such bans have been enacted in individual cities, like San Francisco, and have been proposed across the U.S. but have found little purchase here. USA Today gets into the details. Our own Dara Kerr reports on a current ban that’s not working as well as law enfocement officers might hope: cell phones in…

Man accused of shooting Fremont officer apprehended

After a chase that ran from Oakland to the California-Mexican border, Andrew Barrientos, 20, was arrested Saturday afternoon on charges of shooting a Fremont police officer twice in the abdomen, according to an article in the San Jose Mercury news. Officer Todd Young was attempting to serve Barrientos with a search warrant in the 2000 block of Aueson Ave. in Oakland when the shooting took place. The Merc has the full story. And to pump our own stories a bit…

Walkin’ with the dogs

Just couldn’t resist taking a picture of Angela Steele, 26, of Oakland walking her friend’s dogs on Thursday. Milo, Maggie and China are under Steele’s care while her friend is out of town.

Stage for Raiders built Thursday

Sam Owens, 23, an employee of DaVinci Fusion, is one of five construction workers building a stage for a launch party for the Oakland Raiders on Friday afternoon. Read more about yesterday’s rally.